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Monday, December 20, 2010

Biztalk Architecture

BizTalk Server is called content-based publish/subscribe. In a content-based publish/subscribe model, subscribers specify the messages they want to receive using a set of criteria about the message. The message is evaluated at the time it is published, and all of the active subscribers with matching subscriptions (indicated by filter expressions), receive the message.

In this simplified view below , a message is received through a receive location defined in a given receive port. This message is processed by the receive location and then published to the MessageBox database, the main persistence and routing mechanism for BizTalk Server. The MessageBox evaluates active subscriptions and routes the message to those orchestrations and send ports with matching subscriptions. Orchestrations may process the message and publish messages through the MessageBox to a send port where it is pushed out to its final destination.

Biztalk Architecture

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