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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

versioning in WCF

3.      I collection , as Ienumerable should be having key value pair, but in records data depend on the key ,but has more no of values.
4.       Is it about instancing or concurrency , I am not clear. Or it can be synchronous/async
6.       SPs once compiled will not  complile again until it is  altered.

1)      If Client consuming WCF hosted service if we changed anything in method how client notify that changes ?
2)      If you have collection of records which one is more use full in IEnumrable / ICollection .
3)      If two clients are consuming service if we want implement scope of access of service then how can you do this .
4)      Do u know how to implement TRANSACTION in WCF Service .
5)      If you have Stored procedure and one transaction on SP got over and control came out of scope . if again want to action using SP will it compile again or not ?

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