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Friday, August 24, 2012

Host Architecture

It is important to explore how the transition is made from a technology-neutral , soa interation to CLR intreface and classes.
The host performs the brigdging.

Each .Net host process can have many app domians, each app domain can have more service host instances, each service host instance will be dedidcated to a particular service type. thus , when u create a host instance, u are in effect registering that service host instance with all the endpoints for that type on the host machinge that corresponsd to its base address.
Each host  instance has one or more context which is the innermost execution scope of the service insance. it is the combined effect of the service hsost and the context that expoes a native CLR type as a service. after the message is passed through the cahnnel the host maps that message to a new or existingn context and the object instance inside and lets process the call.

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