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Sunday, October 14, 2012

interview questions


1. what is durable binding.

2. how can use the https on the site but client site will use only http , what are the configurations u need to change
3.aspnet compatibilty
4. file less activation
5. reader quotes
6.what is a durable service
7. how can u calll a service from service library.
diff between service lib and wcf application can ur call wcf from sql server-- make service library call from sql clr, get the response into a table and access.
10 synoonyms
11 partial class -- can have the same signature , compilation error
12. extension methods can u make same sp run on different servers when one of the tables in one of the servers does not have a column ? do u optimeze an so?
15linq, specialilty
16.string and string builder?
17.linq and dictionary how to convert a lingq into data dictionary
18. wcf data services
19. webinvoke
20.service behaviour settings
21sql clr-- how do u use to dynamically call a web service from client--channel factory
23.use service host attribute and other on svc file
24. calling webservice from aspx site, without adding reference - proxy
25. how can u make a windows service a wcf service and a wcf service a windows service
26.wcf library uses

how does load balancing work
hwo does entity framework interact with the database
can u access web.config from java script
commandfactory pattern

1.what will u do if a web applicaiton crashes.
2.performance testing
3. unit testing if cr has come
4. shadowing ,
5. table variable, temp table
6. msg, transport security
8. what if only one server is there and load is high forscalability

How can you make changes to the existing webservice, and deploy withut changing the code on the client.

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