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Monday, October 1, 2012


Architecture of the World Wide Web

The success of the Web can be attributed in part to luck and timing, but some of the

credit for its success can be attributed to its architecture. The architecture of the Web

is based on a few fundamental principles that have taken it from its small beginnings

to the large mass of information and functionality that exists today. These principles


• Addressable resources

• Standard resource formats

• A uniform interface for interacting with those resources

• Statelessness in the interaction between clients and services

• Hyperlinking to enable navigation between resources

Everything on the Web is addressable. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) are used

to define the locations of particular resources. Resources can be things like HTML

documents, images, or other media types. Addressability is one of the important parts
of the Web’s success.

Based on HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), the uniform interface of the Web also plays into this openness and interoperability. HTTP is an open and well-known protocol that defines a standard way for user agents to interact with both resources and

the servers that produce the resources. These interactions are based on the verbs (or

methods) that accompany each HTTP request.
is probably the most commonly used and well-known verb, and its name is descriptive

of its effect. A

GET for a particular URI returns a copy of the resource that URI

represents. One of the most important features of

GET requests is that the result of a


can be cached. Caching GET requests also contributes to the scalability of the Web.

Another feature of

GET requests is that they are considered safe, because according to

the HTTP specification,

GET should not cause any side effects—that is, GET should never

cause a change to a resource. Certainly, a resource might change between two


requests, but that should be an independent action on the part of the service.


, which indicates a request to create a new resource, is probably the next most

commonly used verb, and there are a whole host of others that we will examine later

in this chapter and throughout this book.

HTTP and the Web were designed to be

stateless. A stateless service is one that can

process an incoming request based solely on the request itself. The concept of per-client

state on the server isn’t part of the design of HTTP or the Web.
If a request from a particular user agent contains all of the state necessary to retrieve

(or create) a resource, that request can be handled by any server in a farm of servers,

thus creating a scalable, robust environment.

Statelessness also improves visibility into web applications. If a request contains

everything needed for the server to make a proper reply, the request also contains all

the data needed to track and report on that request. There is no need to go to some

data source with some key and try to recreate the data that was used as part of a request

in order to determine what went right, or what went wrong (this wouldn’t be ideal

anyway, since that data may have changed in the meantime). Statelessness increases a

web application’s manageability because the entire state of each request is contained

in the request itself.

Hyperlinking between resources is also an important part of the Web’s success. The

fact that one resource can link to another, enabling the user agent (often through its

human driver, but sometimes not) to navigate between related resources, makes the

Web interconnected in a very significant way.

The Web is the world’s largest, most scalable, and most interoperable distributed application.

The success of the Web and the scalability of its architecture have led many

people to want to build applications or services on top of it.


Many individuals and organizations have tried to build on the success and scalability

of the Web by describing architectures and creating toolkits for building services.

Services are endpoints that can be consumed programmatically rather than by a person

sitting at a computer driving an application like a web browser. The two main approaches

used in these attempts have been either the SOAP protocol or the architectural

style of REST.

While a chapter on the subtle differences between protocols such as

REST and POX (Plain Old XML over HTTP) might make for an interesting

read, this chapter is more specifically focused on the architectural

differences between REST and its main competitor, SOAP.

SOAP, which at one point in its history stood for Simple Object Access Protocol (before

its acronym status was revoked in the 1.2 version of its specification), is what many

developers think of when they hear the term

web service. SOAP was born out of a

coordinated attempt by many large vendors to create a standard around a programmatic


In many ways, SOAP doesn’t follow the architecture of the Web at all. Although there

are bindings for using SOAP over HTTP, many aspects of SOAP are at odds with the

architecture of the Web.

Rather than focusing on URIs (which is the way of the Web), SOAP focuses on


, which are essentially a thin veneer over a method call (although of course a

SOAP client can’t assume a one-to-one relation between an action and a method call).

In this and many other ways, SOAP is an interoperable cross-platform remote procedure

call (RPC) system. SOAP-based services almost always have only one URI and

many different actions. In some ways, actions are like the HTTP uniform interface,

except that every single SOAP service creates new actions; this is about as un-uniform

and variable as you can get.

When used over HTTP, SOAP limits itself to one part of the Web’s uniform interface:


. This creates a limitation because results, even those that are read-only, can’t be

safely cached. In many SOAP services, most actions should really use

GET as the verb

because they simply return read-only data. Because SOAP doesn’t use

GET, SOAP results

cannot be cached because the infrastructure of the Web only supports caching responses


GET requests. To be honest, you can’t really call a SOAP-based service a web

service since SOAP intentionally ignores much of the architecture of the Web. The term

“SOAP service” is probably a more accurate description.

When confronted with the fact that SOAP doesn’t follow the architecture of the Web,

SOAP proponents will often point out that SOAP was designed to be used over many

different protocols, not just HTTP. Because it is meant to be generic and used over
many different protocols, SOAP can’t take advantage of many of the Web’s features

since many of those features are particular to HTTP.


REST is an architectural style for building services. This style is based on the architecture

of the Web, a fact that creates a fairly sharp contrast between REST and SOAP.

While SOAP goes out of its way to make itself protocol-independent, REST embraces

the Web and HTTP. Although it’s certainly possible to use some or all of the principles

of REST over other protocols, many of its benefits are greatest when used over HTTP.

Another significant contrast is that SOAP isn’t an architectural style at all. SOAP is a

specification that sets out the technical details on how two endpoints can interact in

terms of the message representation, and it doesn’t offer any architectural guidance or

constraints. In contrast, REST services are built to follow the specific constraints of the

REST architectural style.

Services that follow this style are known as

RESTful. Note that these

architectural constraints are more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual

rules. Some services will use all of these constraints, and some will

use only some of the constraints.

In their book

RESTful Web Services (O’Reilly), Leonard Richardson and

Sam Ruby lay out something they call the Resource Oriented Architecture

(ROA), which is a stricter set of rules for determining whether a

service is really RESTful.

While SOAP services are based on a service-specific set of actions and a single URI,

RESTful services model the interaction with user agents based on resources. Each resource

is represented by a unique URI, and the user agent uses the uniform interface

of HTTP to interact with a resource via that URI. Put another way, REST services are

more concerned with nouns (e.g., resources) than verbs (e.g., HTTP methods or SOAP

actions) since the design of a service is about the URIs rather than a custom interface.

Resources and URIs

The first thing to do when designing a RESTful service is to determine which resources

you are going to expose. A

resource is any information that you want to make available

to others,
some resources are static, like pictures taken on a particular day in the

past, and some resources are dynamic, like the movies playing in or near a particular

zip code. Many resources are dynamic in nature, so having an addressable set of

resources for your service doesn’t mean that you know all the particular resource instances

when you sit down to design your service. A resource is a conceptual mapping

to a particular entity or entity set that you want your service to be able to work with.

When designing a RESTful service, you will identify the resources that your service will

expose and use. Once you’ve identified the resources you’ll map them to URIs.

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